Thursday, September 29, 2011

Firehouse Gallery Reaction Paper

2D Design
Professor Michael P. Giacalone
‘Borders: Visible/Invisible’ reaction paper.
Exhibition at the Firehouse Plaza Gallery CCB building on Campus
Answers to be numbered, and typed. Paper to be printed. Due Wednesday Oct 19th

1.      Find a work in the exhibition that uses the density, and intensity of line as an important element. Include the artist and the title of the work. Describe HOW the artists uses line in this way. DESCRIBE what you see. WHAT does using line in this way make you feel or think about in regard to this piece.
2.      Find a work in the exhibition that has organic and geometric shapes competing for dominance (like in our class project.) Include the artist and the title of the work. DESCRIBE the shapes you see, and how they interact.
3.      Find a work in the exhibition in which a range of values from light to dark is important. Include the artist and the title of the work. DESCRIBE how the values are used, and HOW they help bring the image to life.

From the official questionnaire 

4.      The artists in this exhibition considered the concept of Borders, which could range from physical borders to conceptual borders (such as spiritual or political), even to creative, social or technological borders. What “borders” do you confront on a daily basis? Are they positive or negative?
5.       Artists use imagery and colors like authors use words and adjectives- to tell a story or send a message. A symbol is an image that represents an idea. Select an artwork that you feel contains a strong use of symbols, or a symbol that is personal to you. Name the symbol(s) and explain your reasoning, keeping in mind the concept of Borders Visible/Invisible.

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